Star trek online races guide
Star trek online races guide

star trek online races guide

To its advantage, Star Trek Online benefits from a very robust use of the license. Combat plays a part in both, giving the game two distinct identities that are married together by the storyline and mission structure.


Star Trek Online represents the first series outing on the Xbox One, and it takes the form of a free-to-play online role playing game that splits itself in two: ship based navigation and ground based third person exploration. However, despite its deep, rich lore and vast, eager fan base, Star Trek has always struggled to deliver high quality video games. If you’re looking to build your own sci-fi universe, you might want to give Stellaris a try instead.I’ve always loved the Star Trek series, especially the era of The Next Generation. If STO isn’t for you, there are plenty of other MMOs to try. Take your pick, or create multiple characters-there’s no harm in restarting the game with a new officer if you’re regretting your faction choice. They have a limited available ship variety, and their story content isn’t as strong.Īrguably, any of the Federation-allied factions (TOS Starfleet, Starfleet and Federation-aligned Romulans) will do the job pretty well, especially if you’re thinking about creating multiple characters. The only faction we wouldn’t really recommend is the Klingons. It’s something hardcore players can take advantage of for the late game. Not only can Romulans choose to ally themselves with either Starfleet or the Klingons, but their story arc is incredibly compelling! For those of you that love maximizing stats, the Romulans do have a slight DPS advantage over most of the factions. So, it is not hard to see why this particular faction has the most content to explore.įor our favorite pick, we find ourselves drifting toward the Romulans for a number of reasons. Star Trek Online launched with Starfleet set some years after the events of the last TNG film, Nemesis. However, if you love narrative, and you want to maximize your access to general story content, the original faction (Starfleet) is your best choice. The classic saucer design of these ships brings up a great deal of nostalgia that fans will appreciate. If you love the ship design from the early days of Star Trek, then TOS Starfleet is your best bet. Casual players are unlikely to see a huge difference regardless of your preferred faction.

star trek online races guide

The Best Factionįor most players, your best bet is to choose the faction which has what you think are the coolest ships. Making this choice will affect which ships your faction has access to from that point on.

star trek online races guide

However, you will have to make the choice of which allegiance to choose at some point during their unique storyline. The great thing about the Romulans and the Dominion, though, is that they are also capable of aligning with Starfleet. Once aligned, they will aid the Klingons in their attempt to take over the galaxy. Both the Romulans and the Dominion can join as members of the Klingon Defense Force, however. The Klingon Defense Force’s main faction is (of course) the Klingon Empire. The narratives merge with the storyline for the main iteration of the Federation later on. Both the Original Series and ST: Discovery versions of Starfleet begin their storyline in the 23 rd century. Starfleet is the original faction, and it is set in the 24 th century at the start. Starfleet has three versions of the Federation to choose from. There are six playable factions in Star Trek Online, split over two allegiances, Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force. It’s the first, and maybe most important choice you make when you play Star Trek Online. Once you make your choice, it is permanent unless you decide to start a new game. What is Star Trek Online’s best faction? It’s a question every new player will ask themselves the first time they launch this epic sci-fi adventure.

Star trek online races guide